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When Red Turns to Green…

Writing comes with many challenges. One that many writers face is getting your work published. You have many options. However, many of us would prefer traditional publishers or the ability to obtain an agent to represent us. These all sound like wonderful options. Please note, although this sounds easy. It is not easy to obtain. There is a process you must go through.

The process looks something like this. You write your masterpiece. At least, in your mind, that’s what it is. Then, you edit it and have it edited again. ‘Cause of course, you don’t see any error in your ways. So, it does need a second opinion. After this is all accomplished, which is probably another thirty days. Your goal is to write a convincing Query letter and/or Synopsis to include with your submission. Now, if you’re anything like me. This may take another week or two to get this perfected.

In the meantime, time is ticking away. It has never been your friend and if there were deadlines. You should’ve started this before the book. I’m just kidding. But, honestly. It feels like you should. For instance, I’m in the ending process now of another book and it’s been almost a year since completion. Now, I’m getting feedback from publishers who are interested in my book. Well, a few months since submission. However, the process did take about a year.

I’ve used different means of submission. However, in this stage in my writing career. Submittable seems to have more opportunities. I mean…there is the traditional route and it requires almost the same amount of stuff. I guess with Submittable, you can see it in real time. Not familiar with Submittable. Check out their website at It’s a platform where you can submit all your writing from plays, fiction, short stories, etc. You can even find jobs there. It’s a Walmart for writers! The best thing about Submittable is this. As you submit. You’re able to see the process of your submission on your active tab. Once t

he piece is received it lights up. Then, it changes to in progress. As they make decisions, you’ll usually receive a message and the tab changes to red or green. Red meaning your piece has been declined or green for acceptance.

Last year, I received my first green tab. I was elated. It was for the Funny Ladies Comedy Writing Workshop. This workshop was hosted by Donna Kaz. If you don’t know who she is, look her up. I will say she is a magnificent playwright. Any who, I was ecstatic doing my happy dance. Since then, I’ve had three other green tabs or acceptance letters.

So…with all things. Have patience. ‘Cause your red will be changing to green soon. Thank you for submitting!


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